Xara Designer Pro X Full

Xara Designer Pro X 15 is a powerful software program that lets you adjust and create vector drawings, web graphics, photo composition and even Flash animations.The design of the UI is modern and looks a bit complicated. In order to use this program properly, certain prior experience with a similar app might be needed. If you do not possess such knowledge, then you can always access the extensive Help contents that the developers provide. The application offers everything from the usual written Help contents, to online video tutorials, daily tips, online forums and workshops. Features of Xara Designer Pro X 15: New blend color dodge and color burn New contrast and saturation effects New cross process photo effect New editable smart photo Grids New free online content catalog New HTML5 media player (audio/video) New photo editing and web tools New supports IPCT and SMP tags New traditional photographic effect Significant text enhancements New intuitive fill tool, and more. Other bug fi...