JetBrains PhpStorm 2018.3.5 Full Version

JetBrains PhpStorm 2018.3.5 Full Version is here, the world’s most powerful Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with all the tools needed by PHP developers. PhpStorm supports several web-based programming languages such as PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript (js), and XML, which includes syntax highlighting, smart code completion, coding assistance, on-the-fly code analysis, extended code formatting configuration, code refactorings, documentation lookup, error highlighting and quick fixes. In addition, JetBrains PhpStorm also offers advanced project and code navigation. This feature helps you to easily view your projects, structure views, view the descriptions of controls and fields, quick jumping between classes, files, usages, and methods. Key features: Advanced code autocompletion Code navigation (search and replace) Extended code formatting configuration Intelligent code completion tool On-the-fly (real-time) error checking Provides a rich and powerfu...